Light Remodeling Projects to Upgrade Your Home Big Time

One of the main reasons why so many people fear remodeling is that they dread the cost of massive renovation projects. Budgeting a bathroom remodel, re-furnishing of your entire living room and major backyard constructions can be a proper nightmare, however, there’s so much you can do to improve your home, even on the tightest of budgets. Sometimes, all you need to do is move some items around, tweak a thing or two and spend a couple of bucks on the maintenance in order to make your home’s resale value skyrocket, as well as drastically improve the living conditions in your home. Here are five frugal ideas that will help you do just that.

Move some furniture around

Sometimes, in order to change the appearance of your home, all you have to do is to move some items around the place. Just shifting your sofa from one area to another can make a massive change to your living situation, even make it feel like a completely different place. Still, the difference doesn’t have to be just visual. You see, sometimes better space management can lead to freeing up some additional space in your living room, thus getting more breathing space or just more space to place another piece of furniture.

Improve your lighting system

Your home’s lighting system is something that affects the visuals of the place and your utility bill. Switching to LED is the first logical step, as it has a much better Watt-to-lumens ratio than its incandescent counterpart. Moreover, LED bulbs last 25 to 50 times longer, which is why this is an investment in home-maintenance, as well. The intensity and the color of the light alone can make it feel like a completely different place (even have different effects on your body), which is also something that you might want to experiment with.

Fix instead of replacing

The state of your appliances is crucial when it comes to the functionality of your home, however, buying new items might not always be the most cost-effective way to improve the situation. Some of your old appliances may be in a salvageable state, which means that with a simple repair or a part replacement, it would be easy to make them fully functional once again, avoiding an unnecessary purchase. Moreover, nowadays, it’s fairly easy to find a part for any major brand online. So, for instance, it would be easy for you to find and order Fisher and Paykel spare parts, making the repair even more frugal.

Frugal work on the exterior

One of the things that affect the resale value of your home the most is the state of its exterior. While landscaping may take a lot of time and can be quite expensive, there are some things that you can easily do on a budget in order to achieve a great effect. The first idea that you might want to consider is pressure washing the façade. Other than this, you might also want to think about applying a concrete sealer to the driveway.

Paint or wallpaper

The simplest way to make a great impact on the visuals of your home is to do some work on its biggest surfaces – the walls and the ceiling. Here, you have two inexpensive options to consider. The first one is to repaint the place, which can be particularly frugal if you decide to opt for accent wall painting. As for the wallpapers, they’re easy to install and can leave a great impression of your home’s interior.

So far we focused on the method that gives you the maximum impact for the lowest possible investment. This will leave you with a project that is incredibly budget-friendly, yet, generates an incredible amount of value for your household. A clear and undeniable win-win scenario, regardless of your point of view.

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Welcome to we are the leading home improvement firm that is ready to serve you at all costs and make sure that you get what you need. Our best interest is to be the most consistent and reliable provider of excellent exterior and interior improvement tips and services. We also offer construction and remodeling services. When you hire someone in our field, you want a name you can trust that Performance Home Improvement is that name!