It’s no secret we keep inflicting more and more harm on the environment. However, it seems like things are starting to change and we keep seeing new ways for everyone to aid in saving the environment. One of the most effective ways to help preserve the planet is to optimize your household energy usage. The best thing about it is that you can even save money while making your home greener. But how exactly can one do this? Here are five ways that are guaranteed to work.
Add more attic insulation
Depending on the area you live in, you probably spend a lot of energy on warming your home during winter. But the problem is, if your attic isn’t insulated properly, large amounts of warm air escapes your home, making you spend even more energy on heating. That said, one of the first things you should do when optimizing your household energy use is to add more insulation to your attic. The good news is, there are eco-friendly insulation options such as cotton and sheep’s wool that you can consider using.
Get low-flow showerheads
There are so many things you can do to make your daily activities with water more energy efficient. The one that has proven to be the most popular among homeowners is installing low-flow showerheads. These little things can help you ensure not a drop of water goes to waste when someone is taking a shower. Some of these even come with a pause button that allows you to save energy while lathering up. The most important thing is that you’ll still have a satisfying shower but you’ll be saving significant amounts of energy at the same time.
Think about air conditioning
We talked about how much energy it takes to warm up your house during winter but what cooling your home in summer? In case you live in an area where temperature tends to get hot, investing in a quality air conditioner is always a good idea. Take a closer look at the device you currently have and see if it needs to be replaced. When choosing a new device, make sure you favor efficiency over price like most Aussies do. Once you’ve chosen the right device for your home, it’s time to have experts in air conditioning installation in Sydney set it up for you.
Invest in solar panels
There’s no doubt one of the best things you can do when making your home more energy-efficient is to install solar panels on your rooftop and start relying more on the sunlight. Solar panels tend to be expensive but when you think long-term it can actually help you save large amounts of money. In case you decide to get a solar battery as well, you’ll be able to store the energy your panels collect ad reduce your electricity bill to zero. When it comes to installation, it is recommended to have professionals get the job done for you.
Switch to LEDs
According to reports, LED lights are up to 80 percent more efficient than traditional lighting options such as incandescent lights. Not only that they last longer but they also use less energy, making them a perfect option for anyone looking to help preserve the planet. On top of this, LEDs also offer a better quality of light distribution and you’ll actually need to have fewer lights on in order to achieve the same level of brightness in your home. Australia is on the brink of an LED revolution at the moment and they’re something you just can’t go wrong with.
In this day and age, making your home as eco-friendly as possible is an amazing idea. Have these five ways in mind and you should be able to aid in the fight for the environment and save a lot of money.